Index Component Weights of Stocks in the Nasdaq 100
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Reason for Deletion.
Since our launch, IndexArb has had an agreement with NASDAQ which allowed
us to display the weights of the constituent stocks in the NASDAQ 100 index. Effective September 1, 2005,
NASDAQ has terminated this agreement and, consequently, on that date we must remove this information from
our website. |
If you need this information, NASDAQ offers individual subscriptions
starting at $10,000 per year. |
An accurate calculation of NASDAQ 100 fair value and buy/sell program trading
trigger values require the weights of its constituent stocks. Therefore, IndexArb has entered into a
subscription agreement.
So, while we cannot redistribute the NASDAQ 100 stock weights, we will have them for internal use and
can continue to calculate and display accurate fair values and buy/sell program trading trigger values.